Let's take a moment to go back to the previous post and expand a little on the idea of racism a little bit and some of what it is and what people do. Obviously Racism is one person or persons who hate an entire group of people based on racial qualities such as skin color, eyes, or what have you. The KKK is a perfect example of such a thing as it's pretty damn close to an example that I can think of. There's also the World War 2 Nazis and their idea of white power but the fact they never ever started out that way give me cause to call them progressive racists [i.e. they were normal people manipulated by their leader into becomming what they did].
Now I'm in the belief that racism in this day and age isn't alright, we're a growing world economy, world relationships and all that jazz and the rest of the world could potentially be at your doorstep. I don't care about how other people feel about racism, it's just my take on it really as I'd rather not have the Chinese Mafia in my kitchen at breakfast time. That's just bloody awkward.
But I believe that some people take the idea of racism too far and apply it to where they can benefit from it. I'm talking about the working world where people can apply for jobs they can't do, not get hired, then take a business to court because of "Racial Profiling". I believe that to just be unfair to people who actually went to school to get that particular job only to have it ripped away because some bastard that has no idea what the job is thinks he can get money out of the situation for "Racial Profiling". Now I'm not saying that this kind of thing doesn't happen once in a while where some one will decide that some race of people do this kind of thing most often so they discriminate against them but when someone honestly CAN'T do the the job that they're applying for I believe it's within ALL legal rights to decline to hire them. Don't go out and take away someone's job simply because you can't do it, go to school and get the skills needed to take someone's job away because you're better at it then they are.
On a similar train of thought I'd like to say that all the people that [in seriousness not joking as I've met many people who do this jokingly] say that "It's because I'm black [Japanese, Chinese, whatever] isn't it?" whenever a comment is made that they don't like ... get a g'damn sense of humor. Not everything has to be racist unless you make it and it you make it that way then of course we're not going to like you because you're being an ass. Many times have there been people who've called me a racist only to have me prove them wrong time and again. I've had the opportunity to know several cool people that were from all sorts of places, be they black, Chinese, Swiss, and so on and so forth and to the people I don't like I have to say that I dislike you for the lack of respect you've shown me. My own little guage goes like this:
If we both show respect to each other we're cool, no problems. If you don't show respect to me then hey that's not my fault and I don't have to respect you back because there's no point.
It's simple and it works on individual people, not a group, so each reaction is different for each person depending on the degree of respect. So next time you call me a racist be prepared to have yourself labeled as one instead.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
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Right, that's it, I'm going to drop the opposing opinion. Sir, I am a racist. In every way that matters. More than that, I'm intolerant in the extreme. And while I won't be the one to bring it up in conversation or even yell at someone, I find that tolerance is simply disgusting.
ReplyDelete"They have a different culture..." or other excuses that I have heard for a people's action fucking disgust me. Intolerance is not an issue to me, TOLERANCE is the issue. I will not show tolerance toward other cultures when they disgust me. Forced female circumcision or nullification for instance, fuck you. Male circumcision too! The entire arabic world's attitude toward women. Shit, I'm something of a misogynist these days but I will be god damned if I don't give women a chance and something that at least resembles equality. (When women are on the draft and don't demand ANY special treatment for ANYTHING I will say there's equality. Right now we have a female dominated society that makes being male a bad thing. But that's a subject for another night.)
You want me to say that all people are equal and that I should respect everyone? Yeah, and fuck you to. I'm either apathetic or filled with loathing by many “races.” Don't get me wrong, individuals are not their race. I hate asians, with a passion, but if I'm talking to an asian person I'll give them the benefit of the doubt to start with and then apply the modified golden rule (Treat others as they treat you) from there. But that's the person, I can respect them, but I will not ever respect their culture. I have looked upon the far east and have found nothing I approve of. Oh, and africa... heh. Do I even need to say anything for you to guess where I stand with africa?
But I suppose, all things being equal, I do hate white people most of the time. Liberal white people. The assholes that talk about tolerance, think sensitivity training is a good idea, those fuckers. Go die.
If I was in a position to hire two equally qualified workers, I'd pick the white one since there is less chance of lawsuit! You heard me. There is less chance of me saying something grossly offensive and me getting sued. That's the problem with equal opportunity pricks and with sensitivity training, it raises racial tension... because Bob over there goes from being just Bob your co-worker to Bob your African American co-worker around whom you must be careful of what you say. DESPITE the fact that you've known bob for three goddamn years and never had any issues before!
Equal opportunity.... bullshit. Affirmative action... bullshit too! It's not necessary anymore and it's more racist than me. You know what these policies are saying right, they're saying that blacks, and women, and every other minority under the sun is just a bunch of children who can't be expected to have all the same responsibilities as white people and thus need special attention so they can get jobs and work. I call bullshit on this! If I was in a tolerance seminar as a manager and I was told I need to be a bit more lenient about being on time around... oh let's pick a minority at random... Jamal the black worker because obviously african americans can't be expected to be punctual, it's not in their culture then I would probably fucking stab someone. It's very intolerant of me to expect everyone to live up to their responsibilities but god damn it I do expect that!
I'll give individuals the benefit of the doubt, but I don't expect very much of them. My standards just get lower as I meet more and more people. I may hate blacks as a people, I may hate african culture, but I gave you as much of a chance as I'll give anyone. When I say I hate an individual person, it's because I've judged them as a person and they have earned it. Not because of my racism. I won't treat you any differently because your skin is a different colour, I'll just expect a whole lot less of you... And even that isn't as accurate as how I'll judge you by how you carry yourself and how you dress. Want to dress like a “gangsta” go ahead, you're nothing but ghetto trash in my mind, even if, hell especially if you're white. Want to dress like a professional with some sense of class and human decency? It'll be a pleasure to speak to you until you prove me wrong.
So to answer you Metal, racism in this day is more than all-right. Some cultures and groups are trash and don't deserve any respect at all. It's tolerance that isn't all-right. Some things do not have value, some ideas should just die. Maybe one day we'll have a glorious homoginous society with the good elements of every previous society and the bad removed but right now we don't. We have to take the good with the bad and largely it's not a fair trade. Japan can go fuck itself, I don't care how great arabic art is, that culture breeds sexism. I'm not going to show understanding because we're in a modern world, primitive ideas need to be cleansed.