Friday, May 29, 2009

Ah Insomnia ... Now Where's McWheat?

I’m having an interesting brain wave lately, something just plain clicking and sending me spiralling off in some random thought pattern that defies some forms of logic unless you think the same way I do … twisted and sick.

Insomnia has been plaguing me for some time now that it’s actually getting to the point where I’m up for at least a day on end now for what appears to be no reason at all. I can even take sleeping pills at double the dosage and still be like “WTF why am I not sleeping?” Granted things are known the cause trouble going to sleep but with the way this has been going I might as well be detached from reality and sitting in a padded cell waiting for General Frosty McWheat to show up. If you don’t know who Frosty McWheat is I may elaborate on him at some other time but for now let’s just say you’re better off not knowing.

I will say it’s an interesting feeling after a while of random sleep patterns, walking around feeling like one is floating in the clouds and dreamy but still somewhat connected to the world around them. I find it to be a strange feeling, interesting but I’m not getting anything done in this state. My memory functions in an odd way to the point where you could hold a whole conversation with me and I’d retain absolutely nothing unless it sounded interesting to me or was helping my train of thought.

One of the other problems with this state is I become easily prone to a variety of suggestions, some of it just gets bizarre at this point and some people have gotten me to do some rather odd things and I’m going to omit the details on the grounds that it best be left unsaid lest anyone like to repeat the acts of pain I’ve inflicted upon others. It’s interesting to see how people react when faced with the idea of cause and effect and in this state the outcome intrigues me far more for some suggestions that I’ll do things without a second thought … or even a first as has been the case before. Sometimes it’s all the more interesting to see moral dilemmas unfold with people and then you can sit back and have a good laugh as they hash it out in their heads. That’s the kind of thing I lose when I’m in the suggestive state … morality, but I do know the difference between a good idea and a bad one and will stick to the fundamentals of the perceived right and wrong from my stand point as getting arrested isn’t fun.

The fun part is that insomnia is listed as a symptom of some [usually] underlying mental problem someone has. One of those problems I thought was kind of amusing was schizophrenia and another being anxiety, both of which made me go “DUH!” Someone either of these things would be hard pressed to be able to sleep since one gives you a range of mental problems which includes multiple personality disorder. The other just makes you worry about everything under the sun and god forbid the collection people come the next morning for that bill you got in the mail today. Since I have neither I’m a bit limited in what could be wrong with me … or what’s right, either way. The only thing I can really do at this point is wait it out like I’ve been doing the last few years and hope for the best.

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