Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Modern Parenting ... wtf?

For those of us that remember [not too long ago] that back in the early 90's there was a sense of structure for how parenting worked. Your child got out of line you scolded them or punished them based upon how bad they were. You were forced to show respect to your parents in order for them to show respect back which is a pretty simple and easy to follow concept. You want to be treated older you treat those higher up on the scale with the right amount of respect. In fact one thing this brings to mind is the cartoon show "The Boondocks" and dear old grandpa in the supermarket passing this lady and a disobedient child that's throwing a tantrum because he's not getting his way. I fecking LOVE the shit out of the beginning of that episode because he shows her how to discipline her child with a good old fashioned belt whipping. The point of the statement in that is discipline your kids. I see too many instances these days where kids have the upper hand on adults because people have gotten all bent out of shape. You can't even so much as yell at your kid in the store for fear of someone calling child services. I'm not kidding, someone really did that one day.

Nowadays you can't even spank your child for fear of someone saying that it's physical abuse towards a minor. So what to people do? They sit their kids in front of the TV or buy them what they want to shut them up faster. Apathy set in and parents don't really give a shit about how well their kid is growing up and if they've been taught manners. Most kids these days will blame anything they can on someone else even if it's because of their own shortcomings. Bullshit ecxuses for shitty behavior and even worse ... we let them get away with it. I maintain that some of the worst parenting that could be done is letting the kids rule you. Parents either don't give a shit or are too afraid of being told their childs being taken by child services because of a bullshit phone call.

Teenagers are the worst progression of human life though, supposedly all rebellious and needing their so called individuality when really all they do is goto the mall and conform to whatever the latest subculture trend is. I'm not even going to get in to that though, not my place and I'm just not in the enjoyment of fashion trends anyways. I wear what I feel comfortable in and not because it cost me $35 for a shirt [why do people PAY for things like that? Oh I got a $35 Nike shirt hurr hurr ... retards ...] I wear it because it's cheap and it fits and I DON'T look like a walking billboard. "But everyone else is wearing it!" "So? If they all jumped off a bridge to their deaths would that mean you'd do it too?"

I'd also like to point out that kids these days expect to get anything they want from anyone. Say you're walking down the sidewalk or hallway or something, they're not looking and they bump into you. Their immediate response is "Watch where you're going jackass" to which my response is a middle finger and a resounding "Sod off" as I continue to walk on and mind my own business. The point is though that where one would normally say "Sorry" or "Excuse me" it's now placing the blame directly on the person you walked into. Amusingly enough though if it's the wrong person, those kids either run or get trounced.

But really instill some respect into those bastard children and make them aware that their actions have consequenses because otherwise you're just a parental door mat for their amusement. Beat them.

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